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Best Kubotans: Kubotan Buyers Guide
You’re looking for a discreet yet effective self-defense tool – a Kubotan can be an excellent..
Utilizing a Kubotan for Self-Defense
The Kubotan is an incredibly adaptable instrument, not only in its design and durability but also..
Empowering Women with Kubotan Self-Defense Techniques
For women, self-protection and defense are paramount, given the grim reality of prevalent crimes..
Tetsubishi – Metal Caltrop
Tetsubishi – Metal Caltrop: The Comprehensive Look At some point, you may have heard of the term..
Tinbe Rochin
Tinbe Rochin – Okinawan Spear and Shield Combination The martial arts weapon that we will look into ..
Tambo or Tanbo : Short Staff
Tambo or Tanbo – A Very Short Staff If you’re a martial artist, then you might have heard of the..
Sheng Biao: The Chinese Rope Dart
Sheng Biao: The Art of Chinese Rope Dart Mastery Welcome to our in-depth exploration of the Sheng..
The Sansetsukon: Three Section Weapon
The Sansetsukon: Okinawa’s Three Section Weapon Welcome to our comprehensive guide on Sansetsukon – ..
Liu Xing Chui (or Meteor Hammer)
Liu Xing Chui (or Meteor Hammer) – Traditional Chinese Weapon The Liu Xing Chui, also known as the..
Lujiao Dao
Lujiao Dao – Deer Horn Knives or Duck Blades Lujiao Dao, also known as “Deer Horn Knives” or “Duck..
Kyoketsu-Shoge or Shogee
Kyoketsu-Shoge or Shogee – Hooked Dart-Rope Weapon Used In Ninjutsu In this article, we will..
The Katana
The History of the Katana: From Ancient Times to Modern Collectors The Katana is one of Japan’s..
Hanbo: Japanese Short Staff or Half Staff
If you are a martial arts enthusiast or a practitioner of Aikido, you may be familiar with the..
The History of The Balisong Knife
The Balisong knife, also known as a butterfly knife, is a popular type of folding knife with a..
Daab Song Mue: Thai Double Sword
Daab Song Mue, also known as the Thai Double Swords, is a traditional weapon used in the martial..
Free Self-Defense Tools -
Disclaimer: We do not resell any products, store credit card information, nor represent any..
The Inner Khan: Leadership Lessons from Genghis
In the annals of history, few leaders stand as tall or cast as long a shadow as Genghis Khan. Born..
Time for a Positive Mindset
Martial arts inspired me and allowed me to find personal success in so many ways both inside and..
The Evolution of Krav Maga Techniques
This article covers the evolution of Krav Maga techniques, from its origins to its current state...
Ground Fighting Techniques
Learn about the basics of ground fighting techniques, including pinning, joint locks, and other..
Types of Krav Maga Classes Available
Explore the different types of Krav Maga classes and programs available, including self-defense,..
The Dojo Door
I really miss walking through the dojo door. These days, I practice martial arts at home or take..
How to Combat Negativity
There are many things we cannot change. We struggle with scenarios out of our control. We easily..
5 Ways Tai Chi Helps Me Heal
In Tai Chi, perfection is not necessary or required for benefit.… Read More 5 Ways Tai Chi Helps Me ..
The Right Moment
You may not see it right now, but your power and purpose are waiting for the right time, the right..
Whatcha Need, Baby?
Every time I pass through that drive-thru I hope for that beautiful, bright woman with the long..
Confusion Between Academic Learning and Training the Body
When learning a subject in school, whether it be in first grade or for your PhD in college, one..
Break Through!
That is when I learned one of the biggest lessons of my life: the lack of opportunity I felt, was..
The Right Moment
You may not see it right now, but your power and purpose are waiting for the right time, the right..
Why Are So Many Martial Artists Also Musicians?
The Crossover Skills Between Martial Arts and Music Martial arts and music may seem like two..
Tournaments, martial arts, and self-defense
This blog is not meant to be a comprehensive text on the subjects listed above. However, it helps..
Courageous You
The best thing about courage is that it already exists inside of you.… Read More Courageous YouThe..
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