The Results in 1-2-3 Back Workout
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The Results in 1-2-3 Back Workout
With this easy tweak in your exercise sequence, you can push your muscles to the max — and rebuild..
What Age Range Attends Ballet Performances in Colorado Springs?
Are you wondering at what age your child can attend ballet? Learn about age range attending ballet..
Discover the Magic of Classical Ballet in Colorado Springs
Discover the joyous tradition of The Nutcracker in Colorado Springs! Enjoy an exceptional..
Experience the Joyful Celebrations of Abstract Ballets in Colorado Springs
Discover how former students of 73 schools and renowned companies such as American Ballet Theater..
Exploring the World of Ethnic Ballets in Colorado Springs
Explore ethnic ballets from around the world with performances from Matthew Moulton, Colton West,..
The secret is out, I am competing at the WBFF Sydney show in August and I’ve created a Vlog series..
Energising Fruits To Power Your Day
When we are tired or hit a slump in our day, often we turn to sugary treats or caffeine to get..
Exercising With Heart Disease
Although discomfort during exercise is a principal reason that patients with heart failure seek..
Pregnancy and Heart Disease
Pregnancy is one of the physiological conditions that places a considerable burden on the heart,..
Fitness Trainer, Jenn Labonte on Helping Women Take Charge of Post- 40s Weight Gain
Jenn Labonte is a mom to Lexi (23) and Jacob (19) and married to Bill. She is a certified Personal..
Lucy Clarkson: ‘Sexiest Woman in the World’ talks about Workout Routine, Diet, Beauty Secrets and..
Presenter and television personality Lucy Clarkson has been in the entertainment industry for over..
The Golden Age: How Do You Know You’re in Menopausal Stage?
Just like the cycle of life doesn’t end after you become an adult, a woman’s delicate body also..
Kelly Hughes on Creating Beauty From Her Scars!
Kelly Hughes started modeling over 20 years ago with Next Models, who she still calls her mother..
6 Plank Variations for a Killer Core Workout
Spice up your planking with these variations.The post 6 Plank Variations for a Killer Core Workout..
Try These Simple At-Home Cardio Exercises for a Stronger, Healthier You
You don’t need a treadmill to get cardio in. These expert-recommended cardio exercises help..
How to Set Up a Home Gym
Having a home gym is not only convenient but also rewarding. Financially, it’s more affordable than ..
Padma Lakshmi’s Lassi Pop Recipe for Diwali made with DAH!
In celebration of Diwali, DAH! Brand Partner, Board Member, and Culinary Expert Padma Lakshmi..
How to Injury-Proof Your Workouts
Prevent injury from head to toe with these trouble-spot targeting moves.The post How to..
5 Pigeon Pose Variations to Loosen Up Your Legs
Make your hips happy and improve all aspects of training and performance with these variations on..
The Old-School Bodybuilding Chest Workout
This chest workout turns the typical training approach on its head — with eye-catching results.The..
The Dumbbell Core Workout for Tight, Toned Abs
Tighten your abs and strengthen your lower back in two easy steps a day — along with a four-move..
10 Strength-Training Mistakes to Avoid
Even the best intentions could keep you from reaching your fitness goals, so use this guide to..
8 Out-of-the-Box Exercises for a Strong Core
These eight unorthodox exercises are just the thing to reactivate your midsection and solidify your ..
Hannah Widmer: Exceptionally Talented Model with heart of Gold
Her Mantra of Life “I want to leave the world in a better place than I found it“ Hannah Widmer is..
Freekeh: A Nutrition Powerhouse for Weight loss
Freekeh is a cereal food made from green wheat that goes through a roasting process in its..
6 Moves to Fix Muscular Imbalances
If you want to improve your lifting potential, prevent injury and tie together your physique, ..
The Total-Body Medicine-Ball Circuit Your Routine Needs
Fix what’s ailing your progress with a head-to-toe routine centered around this one piece of..
Natalia Grossman: World Champion Rock Climber Reveals Her Success Secret “Believe in yourself”
Natalia Grossman is an American professional rock climber. She represents the United States at IFSC ..
The Advantages of Owning an Exercise Bike for Home
Getting regular exercise is crucial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. However, going to the..
Melisa Gün: The Art Of Making An Impact
Melisa Gun is a published fashion model and the reigning Miss New York US Nation 2021 titleholder...
Why should you add Rollerskating to your fitness routine this summer?
In the 1980s, rollerskating rinks were all over the place. Then, rollerblades found their way onto..
Maternity Bra by Moms for Moms
When shopping for a maternity bra, try to find something close to what your pre pregnancy style is. ..
The 20-Minute Arm Workout to Torch Your Bi’s and Tri’s
Sculpt your biceps and triceps in just 20 minutes with this superset workout.The post The 20-Minute ..
UV Safety Tips: It’s time to Become “Sun Smart”
July is UV Safety Awareness Month and while the sun’s warmth feels great, don’t forget that the sun ..
Tess Annique Souray: Exceptionally Talent Model Talks About Her Fitness Routine, Diet and Beauty..
Tess Annique is an American model. She has modeled for magazines such as Maxim and Cosmopolitan...
At 48, Kate Beckinsale Proves She’s All Muscle While Performing Hanging Crunches in New Video
Kate Beckinsale, 48, performed hanging crunches while working her core in a new ab workout video on ..
6 Steps to Perfect Deadlift Form
Insider tips on form, function and everything to do with deadlifting.The post 6 Steps to Perfect..
5 Ways to Maximize Your Gym Time
Summer’s here — who wants to be cooped up inside? These five innovative solutions allow you to fit..
5 Morning Stretches That You Can Do From Bed
Not a morning person? Not a problem. In the 5 minutes in between hitting the snooze button, you can ..
Wellness Coach Sonya Quijada on Benefits of Yoga Nidra
Sonya Quijada served as one of the few women paratroopers of the 82d Airborne Division. She was the ..
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